Space Tech is a CNC Job Shop; we have the ability to machine piece parts to exact tolerances. Our skilled machinists economically produce a single piece or many thousands depending on your needs. Laser Manufacturing Inc. produces accurate piece parts from plate steel, stainless, plastic, and aluminum using a CNC Laser. We pride ourselves in our precision workmanship and would like the opportunity to further discuss our capabilities. Please contact us with any questions you may have. Attached is a list of our major machines
Space Tech currently has 18 CNC machines in operation.

Space Tech INC utilizes bar fed lathes in order to increase our production capabilities. We have the ability to produce and check all threaded parts including ANPT threads.
1-SMART MACHINE TOOL NL2000BSL 4500RPM with a 24 station live tooling turret. 25hp main spindle 20 hp on sub spindle. Bar feeder and parts catcher installed. Bar capacity: 2.64" through spindle 15.98" max dia. 26.97" swing over bed.
1-HAAS ST-30 TURNING CENTER. 30 HP Spindle . 3400 rpm with a 12 station turret. Capacity is 21" dia and 26 " length.
1-HAAS DT-30 SS DUAL SPINDLE CNC TURNING CENTER. Main Spindle 30 hp. Sub Spindle 20 hp. 4800 rpm on main spindle. 4800 rpm on sub spindle. 12 station turrett. 16" Max Dia and 26" Max length. Bar Feeder and parts catcher installed on machine.
6-HAAS ST-15 TURNING CENTER. 20HP Spindle. 4000 rpm with a 12 station turret. Tool changes are .5 sec. Capacity is 16" Dia and 16" Length. All Machines have bar feeders and parts catchers installed.
3-HAAS ST-10 CNC TURNING CENTER. 15 HP spindle. 6000rpm with a 12 station turret. Tool changes are .5 sec. Capacity is 14" dia and 14 " length. All machines have bar feeders and parts catchers installed.
1-HAAS CL-1 CHUCKER LATHE. 5hp Spindle 6000rpm. 8 Station Turret. Capacity is 5" dia and 8" Max Length.
1-MAZAK CNC QUICK TURN 20. 20 HP Spindle, 8 tool capacity tool changer. X axis 1200 IPM, Z axis 1300 IPM. 5000 RPM max. 1.4 sec tool change. Capacity 10.62" dia. 16.75 length.
1-DoAll Lathe 13" with turret. Steady rest, follow rest, tail stock, 3"thru 6" chuck jaws and 5C collet closures.

Space Tech currently has 4 CNC milling centers.
1-HAAS VF3 30hp 8100rpm Spindle. Capacity 40"X x 20"Y x 25"Z. 20 Station Carousel tool changer. Through spindle coolant. CNC controlled Haas rotary table.
2-HAAS MINI MILL Capacity 16"X x 12"Y x 10"Z. 6.5hp Spindle 6000rpm. 10 Tool Capacity.
1-OKUMA CROWN V4020 Vertical Mach Ctr Capacity 40" x 20" x 18". Accuracy + - .0002 repeatability .000008. 15hp spindle motor with auto tool changer 32 tool cap.
1-BRIDGEPORT 9" X 49" Chrome ways and gibs. Bridgeport power feed.
1-COMET MILL 10" X 50", 3 HP Power feed X,Y,Z axis

Space Tech INC. has a 1500w CO2 laser that is capable of cutting up to 1/2" steel. The laser has a 60" x 120" cutting table allowing us to cut large sheets of steel and various other materials.
MAZAK Super Turbo X510HI-Pro Laser. 5' X 10' Table capable of cutting 3/8" steel, 1/8" aluminum, 1/8" plastic and 1/8" stainless steel. Accuracy +- 0.0005 repeatability +-0.0002